Board Of Directors

Shelley Lammie

Rachael Leslie
Vice Chair

Debra Law

Hazel Lorenz


Robert Tannahill
Director – Past Chair
Openings for New Board Members at the Literacy Society of the North Okanagan
Are you passionate about reading and literacy?
Concerned about literacy in our community?
We are looking for individuals to become actively involved in the organization, to join with us, and share your interest, experience, and knowledge to help move the Society forward.

As a board, we are active in supporting the various areas of the organization such as, fundraising, policies and procedures, and strategic planning. We are a charitable, not-for-profit community organization serving the greater Vernon, BC area.
If this interests you, and you would like to find out more, don’t hesitate to contact us at and a board member will be happy to speak to you about the role. If you’re ready to apply, please send your CV with a cover letter to: