Skills Boost Program Registration Form

Your child has been selected to participate in the Skills Boost Program. This program is free to attend. If you would like your child to participate, please fill in the following form.

The Literacy Society is excited to partner with local schools and after school care programs, offering your child an opportunity to participate in our After-School Skills Boost Literacy & Numeracy Program.

Skills Boost is an after-school inquiry-based program that engages children through high interest activities and projects with literacy and numeracy embedded into the learning. The program runs two days of the week for about an hour and a half right after school.

This program is designed for students who have established basic reading skills but would benefit from additional support through high-interest activities delivered in a fun and positive way. Some science projects are also included! Older siblings are welcome if they want to help out.

Qualified learning specialists will provide an engaging and dynamic program that builds your child’s skills, confidence, and enjoyment of reading, writing, science, and math.

The ideal participants are students who meet the following requirements:

  • Have basic reading skills
  • Need an extra “Skills Boost” to help them meet grade level requirements
  • Can participate twice a week
  • Can regulate their behavior and work comfortably in a small group setting.

If you have any questions about the program, please email the Skills Boost Program Coordinator, Dominique Blanchard at

I permit my child's photo to be taken and used by the Society for promoting our free Literacy programs *
I am a current member of the Literacy Society of the North Okanagan *

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